The 8th anniversary of the birth of Iphone: interpretations of what is real innovation

This year's CES show has released a lot of new products, but people should remember that a real change in the world of what the product is . Eight years ago, Steve • Jobs (Steve Jobs) in Los Angeles issued a first-generation iPhone, which indicates that the rise of the PC 's death and smartphones iPhone more popular it? In 2006 , that is, the year before the launch of iPhone , Apple's full -year revenue of 19.3 billion dollars, which is the sum of all Apple products revenue. And last week, the technology blog Gigaom founder ohm • Malik (Om Malik) said, UBS Investment Research expects fourth quarter 2014 , sales on the iPhone alone generated more than 43 billion US dollars in revenue . For comparison , the chip maker Intel 's sales in 2014 are expected to only $ 55 billion . Network equipment giant Cisco reported fiscal 2014 revenue of only $ 47 billion . Since the iPhone and its many imitators...