Super Capacitors and Super Capacitor Battery Technology Becoming Popular

When the industry agreed that the lithium-ion battery is still the main mode of electric vehicles energy reserves, some companies have already begun to consider the use of forward-looking ultracapacitor products as a lithium-ion battery is good supplementary equipment.

Compared to conventional batteries, super capacitor can store electricity is not much, so the super capacitor and can not be used as a power supply device. Super capacitor has the ability to quickly release the stored energy, while the performance will not be completed in a short time to reduce the charge and repeatedly after charging.

Recently, the South Korean electronics company claims will invest $ 9 million to expand its transportation, power systems and consumer electronics products with super capacitor capacity. In the United States, has the ability to design and manufacture products for the material and super capacitor electrolyte companies Graphene Energy, EnerG2 and Ioxus three. Another company from a venture capital firm EEStor Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers as a background, currently the company has signed a supply agreement with the super capacitor electric car company Zenn.

Currently, there are already ultracapacitor products are used in consumer electronics products in the field, and some experts expect super capacitor as a supplement to green energy can make batteries, fuel cells, solar power or wind power and other more perfect way.

Technology industry consultants from Cambridge, IDTechEx chairman, said a combination of super capacitors (supercapacitor) with the advantages of lithium-ion batteries, and can be a car engine to charge the new type of thermal power storage device, will be the future include ideal power source for industrial transport trucks, military vehicles.

According to reports, this super-capacitor battery with a battery and super capacitor characteristics, usually somewhere in between; the power storage device has to lead-acid batteries or nickel batteries based versions, and the market's main concern is the use of lithium-ion type electrodes and supercapacitor electrodes, those asymmetric electrochemical double layer capacitor is also called a lithium ion capacitor, because the charge and discharge faster, and have other more excellent characteristics, a substituted Li-ion batteries and ultracapacitors potential .

Currently, the super-capacitor battery is gaining global carmakers each prospective favor, including BMW, Ford and other well-known brands. It is predicted that by 2020 the super capacitor battery will be common to all of the hybrid vehicle equipped with a thermoelectric energy harvesting devices and to further expand its market territory, gave birth to smaller super-capacitor battery. For example, the US predicted that by 2020, the use of such devices can be reduced by 70% of energy consumption


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